Win the Focus Game: Time For A Distraction Diet


I wish you could swear off all distractions like you can swear off all desserts.

But we both know that won’t work.

Distractions are a part of our work diet – unavoidable, yet something we can manage.

This week's 5-minute video dives into the art of mastering focus in a world brimming with distractions.

We'll explore one-step strategies to cut back on distractions.

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Don't Make a New Year's Resolution


Ok, here’s the problem…

A New Year’s resolution is just a statement of intent.

What’s missing? It’s missing a system to ensure follow through.

Here’s a solution that works for solopreneurs and big companies like Google (where it’s still in use today). It’s a system for turning big goals into daily execution.

Resources Mentioned:

Measure What Matters

Effic Planner 

OKR Summary Article



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Low Motivation? Break Past “The Wall”


Let’s talk about breaking past “the wall.”

I’m talking about those moments when you need a boost of motivation and willpower to get through your most important tasks.

Marathon runners face 'the wall' - that critical point of exhaustion when glycogen stores are depleted. To an untrained athlete, it feels like you could not possibly go on.

But if they push through, they experience a second wind as the body transitions over to burning fat instead of glycogen. You, as an entrepreneur, face a similar 'wall' in monotonous or unrewarding tasks.

Today, I'll share a transformative story of a client who realized that mental barriers are often just a mirage. By learning to break through his 'productivity wall' he tapped into hidden reservoirs of focus and energy.

When you hit your wall, step into the discomfort on purpose. Treat this like an experiment and let’s observe the results.

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The Two Pillars of Productivity

eliminate outsourcing Dec 27, 2023

Can you produce bigger results by doing less?

Yes. As long as you master the two pillars of productivity:

Subtraction & Leverage. Find out how it works. 

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The Energy Paradox: When More Drive Leads to Less Progress


This week's video tackles a commonly overlooked productivity pitfall: the mismanagement of high-energy states.

When your energy surges, you’re more likely to do non-essential, exploratory tasks. This leaves you feeling overwhelmed and frustrated by day's end, when your energy begins to drop and your essential tasks have been mostly ignored.

You didn’t set out with that intention, so what happened?

That’s what today’s productivity micro-challenge is about. Give me 5 minutes to save you hours of wasted energy this week.

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4 Simple Habits to Improve Your Life


Do you use peak performance habits?

You try, right? But you’re rarely perfect.

That’s why it’s important to identify the foundational habits that have the biggest impact. I’m talking about the 80/20 habits. The few you should never skip.

Let’s review four key habits that lead to big improvements for me and my clients.

Resources Mentioned in This Video:

Dr. Snyder’s Daily Startup Sequence

Ari Meisel “Less Doing”

Want to build a self-sustaining team so you can stop spending your day putting out fires and add 6-7 figures to your annual earnings? Read about my new group here.

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Apex Strategies: Balancing Risk and Reward in Business


Today we challenge the false dichotomy of 'playing to win' versus 'playing to avoid losing.'

Don’t let motivational platitudes obscure the most critical business question: "How can I both minimize downside risk and maximize upside gain?"

Discover the strategy that does not compromise between aggression and defense but synergizes them to propel you down a calculated path toward your apex.

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What's Stopping YOU From Getting What you Want?


I know the reason you aren't getting to where you want. It's one of nine possibilities.

Skill/Information - Do I have the skills and necessary information?

Belief - Do I even believe I can have this?

Fear - What if I try and I fail?

Money - Is it smart and secure to invest?

Well-being - Will my quality of life decline if I do this?

Motivation - Okay, I'm motivated for a bit on an idea...but then it always drops off.

Other people - Well my partner doesn't think it's a good idea.

Time - I can't get what I want, I don't have enough time!

In this challenge I want you to get crystal clear about what you know you should pursue, and what is keeping you from it.

Need some help? Let's TALK

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Engineer Your Environment for Success


I invite you to engineer your environment to support your goals. How can we structure your day to minimize reliance on willpower and maximize goal alignment?

Your daily routines are a part of the invisible framework for your success. How can we naturally steer you towards your objectives? How can we make your goals an integral part of your daily landscape?

Embrace structure.

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Drive Forward on Your Goals: Even When Uncertain


If you've driven through dense fog before you know the unsettling feeling.

What lies ahead? How will you know where to go?

When it comes to your business goals, you are NOT lost. Even if you can't see much ahead of you.

Your current bottleneck is a hefty question mark, so let's solve it.

Resources Mentioned:

Rigging the Game: How to Achieve Financial Certainty, Navigate Risk and Make Money on Your Own Terms

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