This Simple Calendar Hack Reduces Burnout


It’s ironic, isn’t it? We work so hard to build a business and live life on our terms, yet many entrepreneurs find themselves feeling trapped in a cycle of diminishing ROE (return on effort) due to burnout.

This week, I’m sharing a nearly effortless strategy that creates a psychological force field to block burnout. It can do wonders for your energy and motivation.

Watch the video to protect your peak performance and unlock more consistent energy.

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Get more out of yourself with all-or-nothing decision making

boundaries focus timeboxing Jan 24, 2024

You might be thinking, as an entrepreneur it’s impossible to set hard boundaries to focus on your needle-moving projects.

What if a client needs you? What if your employee has a pressing question?

It’s time to make an all-or-nothing decision.

You can make a rule, and people can wait while you get your most important work done.

You will get more done in less time. I’ll tell you how.

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